Every night I go to bed, I have thoughts swirling in my head. Things to do. Scrapbook pages I want to create. Gifts I want to make. Skills I want to learn. And, of course, daily happenings that I don't want to forget, but invariably will by tomorrow morning, only to pop up in a random thought weeks down the road. So, here I am. I may use this blog daily to empty my head and heart before cuddling up in my duvet, or as it may be, I may write in it once a month. Who knows. It is for me, but perhaps something I write or learn may spark a fire in someone else. Perhaps it may quiet a mind or make you feel like you are not alone out there. It is for me. But perhaps it is for you.
Sunday, August 25, 2013
Nico: The Story of Your Birth
What a precious little bundle you are. It was not an easy entry into the world for you, but we are so glad you have joined us.
It was a relatively easy pregnancy with you. You were a very chill baby who preferred to roll rather than kick for most of the 9 months. Unlike your brother, you did not wake up just as I laid down to sleep, but seemed relaxed. Although I did not sleep much at night, it rarely seemed to make me tired during the day and I still had enough energy to keep up with your big brother, do yoga multiple times a week and visit with friends and family. I am thankful for this as it seems that this energy has stayed since your arrival.
Your ability to be laid back in utero perhaps is what prompted you to hang out inside me for a good week past your due date. You surprised everyone by this, as second children are often born earlier than the first. So, a week after your were due to join us, I met my midwife Annie at the hospital to do some tests to ensure you were still thriving. After being hooked up to the fetal heartrate monitor for almost the necessary 20 minutes, your heart rate plummeted down to the 70s, which put everyone on alert. I had to stay on the monitor for another few hours just to make sure you were okay - which you appeared to be. However, because of this drop and the fact that I would be induced in three days anyway, it was suggested that I remain in the hospital and do an oxytocin challenge test. This basically gives me contractions and checks that you will be able to endure labour. You pulled through the test with flying colours, but we decided to be induced so I was given prostoglandin and send home 11 hours after arrival.
That night I slept a luxurious six hours before waking up and feeling some minor contractions begin. I finally texted my midwife around 11 a.m., saying my contractions were close together and she agreed to meet me at the hospital to check if I was dilating yet. By 11:10 your Grandma and Grandpa had arrived to take care of Kai and your dad and I rushed to the hospital. By the time we arrived I was 7 cm dilated and in full labour. As the labour was progressing so quickly I was not able to get any painkillers beyond nitrous oxide. Although you only took two hours to join us from this point, it was a tough two hours for both of us. We were both willing and working hard, but you had the umbilical cord wrapped around your neck twice which kept making your heart rate plummet but it was slow to return to normal. When my water finally broke they had to bring in a OB-GYN and when I looked up at one point the room was filled was all kinds of medical staff. It seemed like there were over a dozen people there, so I knew it was serious. After the doctor attempted a vacuum delivery and then having to use forceps, you finally joined us, happy and healthy. It took a few hours for the doctors to make sure that both of us were alright and for my arms to stop shaking from adrenalin so I could hold you. Luckily, your dad, grandma and grandpa all got to spend that time cuddling with you and getting to know you. I am so glad you were, and always will be, surrounded by family.
After a restful, quiet night in the hospital, the next day we finally got to bring you home. What a loving, sweet bundle you were. Welcome to our family, little Nico.
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