Thursday, June 30, 2011

View from the Bedroom Window

Sadly, no picture to accompany this, but just imagine it:

We were playing trampoline on our bed (Kai and I, not Marc and I), and Kai decided it was pretend naptime.  Upon awaking, he goes over to our window, rests his head on the sill, chin on hands and says:

"The birds are singing.  It is a beautiful day."

Way to appreciate the little things, my sweet one.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Dear Playhouse From Kai

It's time to say good-bye to Kai's daycare family, after almost two years.  Myra, Corina, Edit, Nellie, Kim, Radha...thank you for being his Moms.  What will we do without you?
Myra, a godsend.  Been HIS Myra for 2 years and when we leave daycare daily, he says "I want Myra."

Dear Playhouse,
Thank you for creating space for me
                to grow,
                                to learn,
                                                to explore
                to make new friends who have become my family.
Thank you for opening your arms wide 
                to hug me. 
                                to comfort me. 
                                                to rock me to sleep.
                to show me I am loved.
Thank you for using your words
                to soothe me    
                                to make me laugh
                                                to teach me
                to tell my parents how I did today when I didn’t yet have my own                            words.
Thank you
                for knowing me. 
            for believing in me. 
            for loving me.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Mommy is a Princess

Just a quick one this time:

"I'm a rock star, Daddy is a drummer, Mommy is a Princess"

 How much I love my little one.  Boy, do I need to feel like a princess most days...and now he tells me I am one almost every day.  Now that it is sunny out and I'm wearing skirts, he also keeps telling me my princess skirts are beautiful.  Thank you, my little rock star!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Choosing Life as a Parent

The journey towards parenthood consists of so many pathways, each with their own set of twists and turns, hills and valleys.  As I write, the different routes taken and experiences of myself and those around me are incredibly diverse: a single woman who took conception and childbirth into her own hands without a partner; married women who are pregnant with their second and third children; a married woman with a newborn; a lesbian couple looking to embark upon conception with a donor; couples who had to use IVF for the first child only and for their second child only; IVF with singletons and twins; spontaneous miscarriages; an ectopic pregnancy.  The range is incredible.
Sometimes, all we want is to be parents.  The path may be simple and sweet, or long and arduous.  Either way, we learn and grow, and find ourselves full of incredible strength and love.  We are reminded again of the power of community and family, and the importance of both reaching out and giving from ourselves.  Sometimes, all we want is to add to our family, but the most important step is to appreciate the blessing of the many families we already have.