Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Our Fruit Friends

Kai, Kelly and I went environmentally to Vancouver's 125th birthday party.  Skytrain to Waterfront, then the plan was to take a free shuttle bus to Stanley Park.  Needless to say, all free things have long waits, so we decided it was easier and just as fast to walk.  After our long commute, we finally reached the Rowing Club at the entrance to Stanley Park with a marina and many boats parked alongside.

I suppose Kai felt the journey would never end because he said, "The boat can take us there."

I replied with, "We don't have a boat.  Which boat can we take?"

In a matter-of-fact tone, he stated, "Strawberry's boat."

"Which one is his?"

"That one," he said, pointing to a really nice boat.

"I don't know how to drive a boat.  Who can drive us there?" I asked.


"So we're taking Strawberry's boat and Canteloupe is driving?"


Wow, if only I had such connections as my two-year old!


Kai's words as he drew parallel line after parallel line in different colours of marker:

Me gentle.
Me kind.
Me scared.
Me proud.
Me camping.

Miss Mommy
Miss Daddy
Miss Kai
Miss Jason
Miss Lizzie
Miss Grandpa
Miss Grandma.

The stories they tell...

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Kai at 2 years 11 months

It seems like I'm writing about Kai so often...he is changing so fast and I want to record as much as I can, as my memory for details is not the greatest.  Anyhow, here goes another month:

1.  Mimicking...he constantly follows other children around, mostly older ones, and copies what they are saying and doing.  So far, it has mostly been positive learning, and he hasn't picked up any crazy words or terrible actions yet, so this is a fun stage.  It is helping to expand his imagination and is pushing him to learn new skills such as . . .

2.  Run biking...a few months ago my parents bought Kai a Kazam run bike.  Being a typical B.C. season, there has been a lot of rain and so he didn't get much practice time in until my summer vacation began.  He began slowly, straddling but still walking the bike.  In the past few weeks, thanks to copying Claire, Reiko and Finn, he is finally getting some speed and confidence now and I can almost walk at a natural pace.  On our trip to Tofino, he even went on a few forest trails!  I can see why these bikes lead to two-wheelers without training wheels so quickly.

3.  Choral reading...Kai is working so hard to read books and sing the correct words to songs.  When reading a story or poem, he 'reads along', with all his words a few steps behind mine.  It is incredible that he is able to repeat words and listen for the next ones at the same time.  I have taken to reading four or five words at once and pause as he reads along.  Being my first time seeing this reading progression, as a teacher and parent, I find it fascinating.  A classic and consistent example of his efforts to memorize are in his attempts to learn the words to Oh Canada.  He now knows four or five lines by heart, and we practice often. 

4.  "Hold my hand, Mommy!"  How I love these words.  Since summer vacation began, Kai has begun taking naps again at home.  We cuddle up on the couch together, pull a blanket on and as he begins to fall asleep, he makes sure that he is holding my hand.  I'm not sure if it is for comfort or to make sure I do not go anywhere, but it melts my heart every time.

5.  Wearing his superhero cape...finally!  For Christmas last year, I sewed Kai a cape with the Batman logo on one side and the Superman logo on the other.  When he opened it, he had no idea what it was and cast it aside to open other gifts.  I almost gave it away as I thought it might be getting too small, when low and behold, he started wearing it.  He has been known to wear it on walks to the park and shopping trips.  Thank you...

6.  Story-telling...his creativity is flourishing, and not only does he retell real events that happened, but he makes up intricate stories based on what he sees and his current knowledge set.  I intend to post his 'Boating with Canteloupe and Strawberry', so check it out!

7.  Sharing...he has finally grasped the concept of sharing of his own free will.  He is freely sharing his toys and food, and expects others to do the same.  A prime example is at dinner time when he shares a piece of his dinner with me, and then comes to sit in my chair with me, proceeding to help me with my dinner.  However, Kai still does not like it when people take things from him...he needs to offer to share first.

8.  Running clothes...in June, we bought my dad some running socks for his birthday.  Since then, Kai insists upon wearing his running clothes.  We bought him some 'running socks'  (aka. short white cottons socks, in order that he doesn't have black robot socks on with every outfit), and he has designated track pants and cotton shorts as his running shorts.  Every day Kai must be wearing his running pants/shorts/socks.  He refuses button-up shirts and nice pants...not trendy, but comfortable, my boy is. :)

9.  Rules...Kai is really trying to figure out the rules and wants to make sure everyone follows them.  A classic example is taking off our shoes when we enter the house.  If Marc wears his in, he looks at me shocked and says, "Daddy is wearing his shoes in the house!" and turns to Marc with, "Daddy, take your shoes off." in a tone of reproval. 
Recently at Stanley Park, my sister Kelly and I had been trying to teach Kai to walk on one side of the seawall paths, as bikes and rollerblades go on the other.  Later in the day he saw a little girl peddling her tricycle slowing in the walking lane and was quite concerned that she was on the wrong side.  It makes you think about all the rules and exceptions for each one...how confusing to learn!

10.  Affectionate.  Daily hugs, kisses, cuddles and handholding.  I love this phase!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Why I Teach

I love my job, but by June the days seem too long and the students loud.  We are all ready for the break and to play outside more.  So when, on the last day of school, I get a heartfelt thank you, relief sets in.  I really did do something to make a difference.  In June it rarely feels this way.

During my graduate work, I really came to appreciate and believe in the effectiveness of keeping students in your class for multiple years.  Not all students, but for many I believe it can be highly beneficial.  So this year I kept three of my students.  I have no doubt it was the best for all of us.  But on the last day of school, after the bell had rung, I knew it was not only me who thought so.  It wasn't merely the words he spoke, but the expression of appreciation on his face and in his hug.  (And if you know 6th grade boys, hugs are hard to come by.)  He joked about assigning him to sixth grade again, but if I could have kept him another year, I truly would have in a heartbeat.  It is these moments that tie me not to my job, but rather to my vocation.  I love what I do.  And even on long June afternoons I will forever remember the power of creating positive relationships with my 'kids'.  Thank you K. for all you said and didn't say.