Monday, March 31, 2014

Me Today: March 2013

1.  Loving having Marc on holiday with me.  It has been twice this year, Christmas and now, and it is so luxurious and restful!

2.  Enjoying our clean Spring Break house, as we have time to maintain it all.  Looking for ways to continue this while working.

3.  Trying out a new, more standard monthly meal plan using 16 dishes we like that I know how to make, plus Marc's own creations for Thursday nights.  All recipes are typed up with ingredients, directions and weekly shopping lists...excited to see if it works.

4.  20 weeks pregnant and feeling pretty good. Except for one fairly regular 4-5 a.m. hunger wake-up I'm sleeping well and have pretty good energy.  We have the ultrasound Tuesday - hope to find out the sex of the baby.

5.  Finally did some Project Life scrapbooking from as far back as September.  Mostly just placing and commenting on printed photos, but it felt good.

6.  Looking at summer off and making plans for Kai and I.  Hoping I have energy to entertain him.

7.  Looking at getting back to yoga with Damiani.  Almost 3 weeks body is getting restless, but it was nice having a break in routine.

8.  Mark working from's nice to have dinner together.

9.  Thinking about how to get a dishwasher...