
Every night I go to bed, I have thoughts swirling in my head. Things to do. Scrapbook pages I want to create. Gifts I want to make. Skills I want to learn. And, of course, daily happenings that I don't want to forget, but invariably will by tomorrow morning, only to pop up in a random thought weeks down the road. So, here I am. I may use this blog daily to empty my head and heart before cuddling up in my duvet, or as it may be, I may write in it once a month. Who knows. It is for me, but perhaps something I write or learn may spark a fire in someone else. Perhaps it may quiet a mind or make you feel like you are not alone out there. It is for me. But perhaps it is for you.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Kai is Thankful For...

I am thankful for my mom because she has babies.
I am thankful for my dad because he wrestles.
I am thankful for Nico because he is sleepy.

(I forgot to write the beginning for this part, so I assume it is why we are thankful for Kai)

I share pets.

I am taking care of my pets.
I am able to wash dishes.

I am thankful for my friend because they share toys with me.
I am thankful when they let me go on their skateboard.

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